Tuesday 28 May 2013

Photo Of The Day:

Photo Of The Day: Mercy Aigbe & Toyin Aimakhu

                                            What do you think is wrong with this picture.

My Eyes And Lips Are My Favorite Body Parts- Toolz

So Toolz had a 'AskToolz' time on twitter with her followers and they asked her so many questions which she answered. See some after the cut, lol.

SEE Majid Micheal's Younger Brother

SEE Majid Micheal's Younger Brother

See cuteness. All a lady needs is just a piece bread, the butter is ready....LMAO

Miss Face Of Peace Visits Inspector General Of Police...Gets New Car

Miss Face Of Peace Visits Inspector General Of Police...Gets New Car

In line with the principle and ideal of the Face of Peace Pageant, Zimuzo Benson, winner of the maiden edition of the Face of Peace pageant, paid a courtesy visit to the Inspector General of police at the Nigerian Police headquarters in Abuja.

The queen paid the visit to advance the cause of peace as police force is integral to maintaining and advancing peace in the society. The Queen told the inspector General to help her achieve her dreams of maintaining and advancing peace as that is her life calling for the next 12 months. The Inspector General promised to support her cause and assured her of police commitment to the cause of peace.

She also paid visits to the Heritage orphanage in Ikeja Lagos and Covenant Academy Ado Ekiti, a home for displaced girls to encourage young girls on how to develop their capacities and build their dreams for greater achievements in life. Recently she donated clothing items to the women and children of Sisqo village in Tarkwa Bay.

The Face of Peace Africa beauty pageant was conceived by the 2010 Miss Peace Nigeria, Ify Concepta. The pageantry seeks to promote peace in a continent torn apart by war, strife and famine. It also works towards the empowerment of the girl child and encourages gender equality. The pageant annually produces an ambassador that promotes peace in Africa.

Miss Benson who represented Egypt at the 2012 edition of the Face of Peace won a cash prize of $10000, a brand new car, a trip to Gambia and one year movie contract with Blu- Moon imaginationz. To prove their credibility the organizers of the pageant presented Miss Benson with a brand new 2012 Kia Rio at the Face of Peace office early this year and a chaperon in a dedicated appartment to attend to her needs.

Twitter: @fopaafrica
Facebook: Fopa Peace
Tel: +234 8035927275 or +234 80130537539


Contact of FOPA
Face of Peace Africa Pageant.
13 Manbilla Str, Aso drive Abuja - Nigeria.

web: http://www.faceofpeaceafrica.com/

I Can't Take Off My Hair For Thousands of Naira- Uti Nwachukwu

I Can't Take Off My Hair For Thousands of Naira- Uti Nwachukwu

'I am not just gonna take off my dreads for the regular pay check. The only reason I’ll take off my dreadlocks is if I’m paid, and I’m talking about millions because it took me three years and a lot of discipline, dedication, money to make my hair look this different and unique'.

Actress Omoni Oboli & Her Boys

                                                     I love the way her boy in red held her leg. Lovely!

Pakistani Women Make History As The First Muslim Lesbian Couple

She is my soul-mate and we love each other deeply. ‘It’s no one’s business as to what we do with our personal lives.
A pair of Pakistani women have made history as the first Muslim lesbian couple to get married in the UK.

Rehana Kausar, 34, and Sobia Kamar, 29, made history when they tied the knot in a register office civil ceremony, then immediately applied for political asylum after they got married, claiming their lives would be in danger if they returned to their native country.

Watched by their solicitors and two friends, the pair wore traditional white bridal dresses when they were married in Leeds, West Yorkshire.

The pair, from the Lahore and Mirpur regions of Pakistan, said they had received death threats from opponents in Pakistan – where homosexual acts are illegal and considered against Islam.

And since news of their wedding earlier this month spread, the pair claimed they had even received death threats from the UK.

Before the service, even the registrar advised the couple to give serious thought to their decision to marry because of some Muslims’ views on homosexuality.

Ms Kausar, a master’s degree holder in economics from Punjab University (pictured), both came to the UK to study business and health care management
Kausar said: ‘This country allows us rights and it’s a very personal decision that we have taken.

‘It’s no one’s business as to what we do with our personal lives.

‘The problem with Pakistan is that everyone believes he is in charge of other people’s lives and can best decide about the morals of others but that’s not the right approach and we are in this state because of our clergy who have hijacked our society which was once a tolerant society and respected individuals’ freedoms.’

The pair married at the register office located at Leeds Town Hall. They have lived in South Yorkshire as a couple for a year Ms Kamar, speaking to the Birmingham Mail, described her partner as her ‘soul mate’ and said the two women were deeply in love.

Two Durex Condoms Fall Off Man Who Claims To Be A Preacher

Two Durex Condoms Fall Off Man Who Claims To Be A Preacher

A bus preacher was almost lynched on Saturday morning at Toyota Bus stop, in front of the popular Ladipo Spare parts market, when some condoms allegedly fell out of his bible as he preached the ‘Word of God’.

It gathered that the self acclaimed Man of God was dragged out of the commercial bus and beaten into a pulp before he was rescued by some policemen.

The Pastor had embarked on his journey from Apapa and proceeded to preach to the people on the bus, using very strong words like “If you wear trousers you’ll go to hell! The Devil invented Make up! Weave-on is from Marine Kingdom! If you have pre-marital sex you will burn in hell and your skin will peel!”

It was learnt that the people in the bus were so moved and some started falling under the anointing.

According to an eye witness, who was on his way to his shop at Ladipo, “People were just falling as he was laying hands. One man almost fell out of the bus under the influence of the Spirit. It was amazing until he raised his hands to cast the demons out of one girl, and 2 Durex condoms fell out”

“The angry men in the bus who had been having pangs of guilt due to the pastor’s preaching about sex suddenly got really angry and pounced on him, who all of a sudden started shouting, I also preach safe sex! Safe sex is good!”

However, Policemen had to be called to the scene to save the pastors life. So far 2 arrests have been made, and the Condoms have been kept as evidence.

White Men Are Better Lovers- Fast Rising Actress Cynthia Agholor

White Men Are Better Lovers- Fast Rising Actress Cynthia Agholor

What’s your idea of sex generally. How often should it be done?

I think sex is good when someone is married. You know, you do it without fear of committing a sin or committing adultery. Sex is something every married couple should do probably everyday. I don’t know, probably every time they are moved to do it.

Sex has the real pleasure when you are doing it without any form of fear. I’m not saying unmarried people should not engage in sex because there is nothing I will say that will make them stop but somebody like me, every time I do it, I always feel bad that I’m sinning against God. Even before sex I feel frigid because there is always that looming fear that I’m not doing what is right. That is for me, I don’t know about any other person. If I’m married to the man then I will feel very free and enjoy it very well.

You once dated a White guy and there was an interview where you said you regretted dating a White guy…

(Cuts in) that was years ago. Did I ever say I regretted dating the guy? That was a long time ago and now that I am more matured, I will say White guys are better. For one, they wouldn’t break your heart unnecessarily. If you want me to compare I will say White guys are better lovers because of their truthfulness.

What if we look at the difference between the two in bed. Which would you say is better?
(Laughing) oh, what a question! Well, it depends on how you go about it. A man is a man. I am not saying that Black men are not blessed naturally more than the whites. They seem to be more endowed but then it still depends on how you go about it. You can get whatever you want from the white man depending on how you go about it.

When Men Get What They Want, They Leave The Morning After- Beverly Osu

When Men Get What They Want, They Leave The Morning After- Beverly Osu

Nigeria's representative in BBA 8, Beverly Osu was asked if she would fall in love in the BBA house and here is what she said.

I was in a relationship with this guy and I was close to marrying, but I broke up with him just because after fighting with my parents over him, and with my friends too; I found out that he had not a single feeling and neither did he love me at all so I had to break up with him. After all that this guy did to me, every guy that I meet and seem to fall in love with or any one that tells me he's in love with me, I don't take them seriously. All I know is that you guys will be chasing something and on getting it, you leave the morning after that.

Yvonne Nelson And Azeezat Cover House of Maliq June Issue

Yvonne Nelson And Azeezat Cover House of Maliq June Issue

More pictures after the cut.

Photos of The Man Who Looks Exactly Like KIM KARDASHIAN

SEE Photos of The Man Who Looks Exactly Like KIM KARDASHIAN

More pics after the cut.

Nite Out With Baileys


Nite out with Baileys was  spectacular, classic and very elegant. Tiwa Savage brought the house down with beautiful renditions of her songs to the delight of guests. Praiz was also on point as he swooned the ladies off their feet with his voice. Continue...
The high point of the event was the 3D unveiling of Baileys New Bottle. The 3D unveil was the first of its kind in West Africa. The new Baileys bottle has been heightened considerably to evoke more elegance and charm to Baileys’ consumers and restate the provenance and heritage of Baileys in a more elegant way. 

Guests had a wonderful time as they were hosted to the very best of Baileys’ cocktails and hospitality. Baileys is the stylish and sophisticated drink for the woman of style and elegance.Baileys has lined up a lot of activities for the ladies over the next few months.


Baileys held a make-up session with female guests at the event.

 Baileys unique cocoa flavour is created from an exclusive recipe of natural extracts of West African cocoa beans blended with a smooth vanilla bean flavour. 

To find out more about Baileys or how you can be part of Baileys activities log on and like our Facebook page on http://www.facebook.com/BaileysNigeria. 
Remember to drink responsibly. 
Baileys is 18+ 
Do not drink and drive.